but what do you mean? “intuitive reading”
good question.
Everyone has it.
Some are aware of it. Some use it. Some develop it.
Webster says it’s the ability to get direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference. Or, quick and ready insight.
Well, that’s the intellectual answer.
We find it to be an experiential activity. One that yields results both for the outside world and our inner world.
Who uses these capacities and tools? Athletes, businesses, the military, and the government – all use these things to improve performance and achieve goals.
We became very interested in the results and the quality of life that was being generated.
so we’ve spent many years developing our intuition; our ability to communicate what we see to others; and our ability to teach others.
NLP (Neuro-Linquistic Programming).
Mental image pictures.
These are all essentially the same thing, although from areas ranging from the everyday to personal development, psychology, and spirituality.
But, still, they evoke different reactions. Especially the last two. They’re “charged”.
No matter. We just take a deep breath and talk about them anyway.
Intuitive Readings and Workshops
We have invested a lot of time in developing our “mind’s eye” to see mental image pictures that give rise to the insight or intuition with which we are all familiar.
We use these skills in our own life and offer them to others to help them in their life.
These abilities are great for seeing and creating both external and internal results. You can do the same through the communication of the intuitive reading or the “hands on” learning of the workshops/classes.
So get a reading or take a class and check it out.